Self Determination
Green, Red and white acrylic form on black background.
32 x 29.5 cm
A thought on collective mourning
A thought on a country realised
A thought for Palestine
Profit from this work will be donated to Gaza Funds and receipt of donation will be emailed to purchaser.
Green, Red and white acrylic form on black background.
32 x 29.5 cm
A thought on collective mourning
A thought on a country realised
A thought for Palestine
Profit from this work will be donated to Gaza Funds and receipt of donation will be emailed to purchaser.
Green, Red and white acrylic form on black background.
32 x 29.5 cm
A thought on collective mourning
A thought on a country realised
A thought for Palestine
Profit from this work will be donated to Gaza Funds and receipt of donation will be emailed to purchaser.